FTC International Consulting Ltd

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FTC International Consulting Ltd - full-service food consulting company that provides professional consulting services to a wide range of companies in the food industry. FTC's services focus on product development, process development, regulatory affairs, quality assurance, and nutritional analysis.

Company Address

19021 Mitchell Road
Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 1Y1 Canada
Phone: (604) 288-2719
Fax: (604) 288-2565
Website: http://www.ftcinternational.com

Management Information

Mr. Walter Dullemond
[email protected]

Company Information

Est. Revenue: $10 Million

The contact, business and financial information provided above regarding FTC International Consulting Ltd is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but BB101 does not guarantee its accuracy. In some cases, estimated revenue has been calculated based on employee count and industry statistics. The information on these manufacturers and service companies may have changed recently so please contact the business itself for further information and data.

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