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RGL - a leading provider of forensic accounting and consulting services such as directors and officers claims, employment practices, fraud detection, life care planning, medical file preparation and review, medical case management, economic loss calculation, insurance and litigation quantification services.

Company Address

7995 East Prentice Avenue, Suite 207
Englewood, CO 80111
Phone: (303) 721-8898
Fax: (303) 721-8936
Website: http://www.rgl.com

Management Information

Ms. Sherri Farrell
[email protected]

Company Information

Est. Revenue: $15 Million
Employees: 250

The contact, business and financial information provided above regarding RGL is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but BB101 does not guarantee its accuracy. In some cases, estimated revenue has been calculated based on employee count and industry statistics. The information on these manufacturers and service companies may have changed recently so please contact the business itself for further information and data.

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