Golden West Financial Corporation (World Savings Bank, F.S.B)

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Golden West Financial Corporation (World Savings Bank, F.S.B) - the second-largest US thrift, offering traditional deposit and loan products through more than 250 bank branches scattered across about a dozen states and originates residential mortgages and other loans from an additional 300 offices nationwide.

Company Address

1901 Harrison Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 446-4000
Fax: (510) 446-4259

Management Information

Mr. Russell W. Kettell
[email protected]

Company Information

Est. Revenue: $1000 Million
Employees: 7000

The contact, business and financial information provided above regarding Golden West Financial Corporation (World Savings Bank, F.S.B) is believed to be factual and up-to-date, but BB101 does not guarantee its accuracy. In some cases, estimated revenue has been calculated based on employee count and industry statistics. The information on these manufacturers and service companies may have changed recently so please contact the business itself for further information and data.

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